A Note on HTML5


  • HTML5 was first released on 22 January 2008. A major update with "W3C Recommendation" status was available in October 2014.
  • DOM is a fundamental part of the HTML5 specification.
  • Both W3C and WHATWG groups have been working together on the development of HTML5. The W3C spec is the one that Web developers most often refer to, while the WHATWG version is used by the software development teams of the browser makers.
  • HTML5 extends HTML4 with improvements, additional markup, and application programming interface (API) for web applications.
  • HTML5 is mobile friendly. It has features designed for use in low-powered devices and for cross-platform mobile applications.
  • HTML5 has capability to extend and improve markup available for web pages.
  • HTML5 includes features for displaying SVG and playing audio and video within web pages.
  • HTML 5 cannot provide animation within web pages without CSS3 or JavaScript

New section elements

<section>, <article>, <new>, <header>, <footer>, <aside>

New semantic elements

<mark>, <figure>, <figcaption>, <data>, <time>, <output>,
<progress>, <meter>, <main>, <audio>, <video>

New APIs (W3C or WHATWG)

Canvas, Timed Media Playback, Offline, Editable Content, Drag and Drop, History, MIME type, Microdata, Web Messaging, Web Storage, Geolocation, IndexedDB, File, File Writer, Directories and System, Web Audio, Web Cryptography, WebRTC, Web SQL Database, ClassList

Event attributes

Event Description
Onabort abort event
Onbeforeunload before unload event
Onclick mouse clicked event
Ondbclick mouse double-clicked event
Onkeydown key pressed down event
Onkeypress key pressed event
Onkeyup key released event
Onmousedown mouse button pressed down event
Onmousemove mouse moved event
Onmouseout mouse cursor exited event
Onmouseover mouse cursor entered event
Onmouseup mouse button released event
Onmove move event
Onpaste paste event
Onresize resize event
Ongesturechange gesture change event
Ongesturestart start of gesture event
Ongestureend end of gesture event
Onorientationchange device orientation changed event
Ontouchcance touch canceled event
Ontouchmove touch move event
Ontouchstart touch started event
