Docusaurus is an open source project from Facebook built using React. It is meant to easily build, deploy, and maintain open source project websites.
Docusaurus provides localization support via CrowdIn, making it easier to translate your project documentation for international community. It support documentation search using Algolia. It comes with default pages to begin with, but it is also easily customizable. It makes it easier to version control all your documents.
You can get Docusaurus as an npm package. There is also a typical initializer package available to help you to get started with Docusaurus.
Install it as: npx @docusaurus/init@next init <name> <template>
All Docusaurus docs can be wrritten in Markdown/MDX. Docusaurus will convert the Markdown/MDX to static HTML files, which can be published on a server (like Github pages, Netlify, Zeit Now)
Docusaurus can be extended using React. It is possible to embed JSX components into the Markdown using MDX.
Refer to its documentation at: Docs v1, Docs v2
Use Cases Documentation websites powered by Docusaurus: