Merging is an activity that involves considering two or more lists (preferably sorted) as input to a program and expecting a single list as an output. The output represents all the elements from the input lists (in a sorted order).
- Combine two arrays using
function - Combine two arrays using ES6 spread operator
- Combine two arrays using
function - Combine two arrays using
functions - Combine two arrays using
functions - Combine two arrays using a
-loop - Combine multiple arrays is better handled through functions
Merging Arrays
In JavaScript, a list of elements can be represented through an Array. This blog post covers different ways in which lists can be merged.
🔗 Combine two arrays using push
Push operation can be destructive based on its usage, meaning it can mutate an existing list.
Array.prototype.push.apply(tropicalFruitsBasket, nonTropicalFruitsBasket)
const fruitsBasket = []
fruitsBasket.push(...tropicalFruitsBasket, ...nonTropicalFruitsBasket)
🔗 Combine two arrays using ES6 spread operator.
const tropicalFruitsBasket = ['Rambutan', 'Soursop', 'Salak', 'Mangosteen',
'Breadfruit', 'Ackee', 'Durian', 'Babaco']
const nonTropicalFruitsBasket = ['Apple', 'Pear', 'Almond', 'Peach', 'Nectarine', 'Apricot',
'Plum', 'Strawberry', 'Sloe', 'Cherry']
const fruitsBasket = [...tropicalFruitsBasket, ...nonTropicalFruitsBasket]
const fruitsBasket = Array.of(...tropicalFruitsBasket, ...nonTropicalFruitsBasket)
🔗 Combine two arrays using concat
The concat
function returns a new array.
const fruitsBasket = nonTropicalFruitsBasket.concat(tropicalFruitsBasket)
const fruitsBasket = [].concat(nonTropicalFruitsBasket, tropicalFruitsBasket)
🔗 Combine two arrays using reduce
and concat
const fruits = nonTropicalFruitsBasket.reduce((acc, cv) => acc.concat(cv), tropicalFruitsBasket)
🔗 Combine two arrays using reduce
and push
const fruits = nonTropicalFruitsBasket.reduce((acc, cv) => {
return acc
}, tropicalFruitsBasket)
🔗 Combine two arrays using a for
const fruits = []
for (let fruit of nonTropicalFruitsBasket) {
for (let fruit of tropicalFruitsBasket) {
* a better way would be to use a function which adds fruit elements to basket
* @param {sourceBasket} source basket
* @param {targetBasket} target basket
function addFruits(sourceBasket, targetBasket) {
for (let fruit of sourceBasket) {
return targetBasket
const fruits = addFruits(tropicalFruitsBasket, nonTropicalFruitsBasket)
All the above code snippets yield below output:
// `fruits` yields
'Rambutan', 'Soursop',
'Salak', 'Mangosteen',
'Breadfruit', 'Ackee',
'Durian', 'Babaco',
'Apple', 'Pear',
'Almond', 'Peach',
'Nectarine', 'Apricot',
'Plum', 'Strawberry',
'Sloe', 'Cherry'
🔗 Combine multiple arrays is better handled through functions.
function combineArrays(...arrays) {
const result = [];
for (let array of arrays) {
return result;
The above function can be shortened with a reduce
and conat
function combineArrays(...arrays) {
return arrays.reduce((acc, cv) => acc.concat(cv), [])
use spread operator to convert string to array of characters/strings
> [...'Breadfruit']
'B', 'r', 'e', 'a',
'd', 'f', 'r', 'u',
'i', 't'
// split a string and join it back into a comma-separated string
> [...'Breadfruit'].join()
// split a string and join it back into a string.
// identity function -> f(x) = x; holds for all x: string
> [...'Breadfruit'].join('')
// combine arrays with numbers and a string
> [...[1, 2, 3], ...['random']]
[ 1, 2, 3, 'random' ]
> [...[1, 2, 3, 'random'], ...['random']]
[ 1, 2, 3, 'random', 'random' ]
// Don't do this! Spread operator spreads a string
> [...[1,2,3], ...'random']
1, 2, 3, 'r',
'a', 'n', 'd', 'o',
// array with a hole
> [...[1, , 3]]
[ 1, undefined, 3 ]
// a hole from an array can be removed by filter
> [...[1, , 3].filter(i => true)]
[ 1, 3 ]
// flatten an array of arrays using concat function
// in a sense, we are actually combining multiple arrays here.
> [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]].reduce((acc, cv) => acc.concat(cv), [])
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]